Thursday, 29 March 2018

Camp waimanaaki

"Finally, camp was here. I was so excited I was about to BURST!!! I put all of my bags on the bus and went to the hall with my mum. All the year fives were in their (12 groups). I found my group and sat down. Mrs Hodge came and spoke a few words. When she had finished talking, everyone started chatting about camp and how amazing it was going to be. Mrs Hodge blew the whistle and we were all listening.  Starting from the end of the groups we went on to the bus. When all of the groups were in the bus, the bus took off and off to camp we go!!! By Isabella

Goal Setting Evening

Well done, to everyone who showed their parents around Te Kete Tangaroa over the last couple of nights. You did an awesome job at sharing your learning. Check out some of the comments parents left on the whiteboard.

Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Camp Waimaanaki

Camp Waimanaki was lots of fun here is a photo of me and the girls in my cabin:

(Mahee is the one that's cut off in the yellow sweater and Ella's the one in the aqua blue jandals) while we were there we played human cludo and ate lollies secretly in our cabin shhhhhh!!! ha ha ha don't tell the teachers

the end by Ruby


Yay,  camp was the best time of my life and we did the beachcombers ball. loved looking for the things for the dress we made.  We went kayaking and raft building too. On camp we had nice snacks!!!  We did paintball and had a bounce on the trampoline too.  We went to the  rock pools,  "cool right", we saw star fish and a seal it was so cool.  Then we walked all the way back from the rock pools. It was such a long.  We found  a stream on the way back and we jumped in it. I was so hot!!! . I loved the rock pools.  
We also did kayaking. As we got on the kayak,  crash  Lenny fell out nowhy me.
haha Lenny  and then we did paintball it was so fun 

Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Road Race

Congratulations to our week 9 certificate recipients!

Thomas, Presley, Sam, Edmund, Edmund, Ava, Izzy, Ella, Jewelia & Nic

Saturday, 24 March 2018

Personification Poetry

On Friday, Olivia, Joslyn, Helena and Will from Tohora shared their personification poems in assembly. Here they are!


Week 8 Certificates

Ka Pai to our certificate recipients this week!

Thursday, 8 March 2018

Golden time

                                                      Golden time                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Golden time is when you get to do lots of cool stuff. 30 mins is the highest then 24, then 18,  then 12, then 6 and then the lowest 0. My favourite is Ict. You get to play lots of fun video games. Try to stay at the top of golden time


Dance Nz Made

Last Friday we went to Dance NZ Made competition at the regent.