Monday, 14 May 2018

Cross Country Training

My hart raced  while waiting for the word GO! There it was. I started off with a sprint. One leg after the other I thought to myself. My goal was  to complete 5 laps of the field. "Come on Edmund we need to get 5 laps", I yelled. Time pasted. Exhaustion set in with 30 seconds left.  Edmund and I sprinted to the finish line and just made 5 lap. Exhausted to no end we congratulated each other .


  1. all the games were fun!!!

  2. its painful but fun and wastes alot of energy

  3. sam is working hard on his practice including runs home from the supermarket!

  4. good to see Sam practising including running home from the supermarket sometimes!

  5. Cross country is a lot of fun and I have got in to a 4th lap of the field before. But that was back in week 1 I think.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I feel the same as juan


Dance Nz Made

Last Friday we went to Dance NZ Made competition at the regent.