Monday, 30 April 2018

Brando Yelvich

                                                             Brando Yelvich

Probably the best day of school was the Monday Brando came to our school and talked about his journey around the coast of NZ. He also talked about how to showed resilient.  In one part of his journey his goal was to take one step and his next goal was to take another one and another and so on and on. Brando has inspired so many people.  He even inspired me.

Brando also has ADHD and that means, you literally think of everything and anything, for example a door handle, how does it work?, what is it made out of?, what's inside?, what's on the other side of the wall?, etc. Brando had to take pills when he was four and had to continue until nineteen years old.

Brando is now going to schools and talking to students and motivating them to show resilience.

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Dance Nz Made

Last Friday we went to Dance NZ Made competition at the regent.