Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Camp waimaanaki in Riversdale

Last term we went to camp. It was in Riversdale, on the east coast of New Zealand. Even though it took ages to get there, We all enjoyed it a lot!!!!!! This is the story of my kayaking debut!!!!

Screech! That was the bus pulling up on the lime green grass. We filed out of the bus, lugging our bags along with us. We got a tour of our cabins that had on suite bathrooms. My team had Kayaking as our first activity. Since we were a little bit early, we collected things for the beachcombers ball the following night." Its time to hop into your kayaks," Mr sloan calls. We rush over to the kayaks and we put on lifejackets to be safe! Me and one of  my best friends lillie, both chose purple kayaks. Izzy's mother gave us a push into the slimy green lake. Swish! Swish! We wade off into the lagoon. "Wheeeeeee!!" I say as I pose for a photo. Click! Goes the camera on Izzy's mothers phone. But unluckily, Hohepa kept getting in the way!!!!!  It was time to have a nice snack!!!!!!!!😄😄😄😄😄😄🍎
That is the story of my kayaking debut!!!!!!!!!!                           By Emily 


  1. Sam and I remember kayaking - it was good until he got the cut
    From Sam's dad

  2. This s a really cool post and I 😍 It so much (even though I wrote this post anyway)🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓👌👩🏼

  3. This was a good post, good job Emily! I remember camp, it was SO fun XD!


Dance Nz Made

Last Friday we went to Dance NZ Made competition at the regent.