Tuesday, 29 May 2018
Monday, 28 May 2018
The kids lit quiz!
One rainy morning at Hokowhitu school, the kids Lit quiz team Anisa, Tiria, Madeliene and I, charlotte were waiting out in the cold and wet.We were waiting for Mrs Gifford-Moore to come and take us to P.N.I.N.S. for the Lit Quiz. Finally she arrived in her pitch black Mercedes Benz, It was like something out of a fairy tale. "Come on you lot get in or we'll be late!", she yelled out. Once we were in the magical Mercedes, Anisa started singing pop goes the weasel. Suddenly the car came to a holt, "we are here" Mrs Gifford -Moore bellowed.We were finally here at P.N.I.N.S about to win this amazing competition. Wow, there's a lot of schools here. By Charlotte.
Saturday, 26 May 2018
Last Thursday we had a man come over to do some science, he showed us a lot of interesting and cool things. My favourite experiments was the experiments with the dry ice, I liked the frozen marshmallows, yum! I also liked the balloon one, seeing them deflate them inflate again was so cool!
Wednesday, 23 May 2018
On the 22nd of May 2018 we did Science.
We had 5 cups. In each cup there was a substance labeled either A, B, C, D, E, or INDICATOR.
My buddies were Gemma and Sihui.
Before we added the INDICATOR we smelt them all. A smelt like L&P, B smelt like Vinegar, and all the others smelt like chemicals.
After we added the INDICATOR A, B, and D all turned a shade of Pink. The C and E turned a shade of Green.
We found out that C was Dishwashing Liquid. We still never knew what D and E were.
We talked and we think that the INDICATOR was Red cabbage.
E, D, C, B, A By Gracie .A
Science Show
Last Thursday a science man came to our school to show us some cool experiments. My favourite were the liquid nitrogen ones. I loved the frozen marshmallows they tasted like ice cream, yum! I also liked the balloon one where he put the balloon in the liquid nitrogen and the balloon deflated and then when he took it out again it slowly started to inflate again, it was so cool!
cross country training
Cross country training
In cross country training is lots of fun. I had sore legs all the way around. I like running in the forest and past the park. Everybody is awesome at running and doing well, some people walk. When we finish running we meet in workshops and reading groups. In my reading group we are doing hot seat. When I got home I had a nice dinner and warm bath.
Thank you for reading my blogger post. By Emerald Polson
In cross country training is lots of fun. I had sore legs all the way around. I like running in the forest and past the park. Everybody is awesome at running and doing well, some people walk. When we finish running we meet in workshops and reading groups. In my reading group we are doing hot seat. When I got home I had a nice dinner and warm bath.
Thank you for reading my blogger post. By Emerald Polson
Last week we talked to a lady from doc. We learnt about predators, traps and also got to pat a stuffed ferret.Doc also showed us how traps work. We also learnt how to track predators with tracking tunnels.In the afternoon we made tracking tunnels. It was fun.
By Nick
By Nick
Tuesday, 22 May 2018
My math story
My Math story
The first day I came to Hokowhitu School. I felt like I didn't know
anything about Maths. I remember in Korea that I was the king of
Maths. A few days ago I was doing Basic Facts. But it is easy to
me! And I study everyday and I got to finish my basic fact.And I am still king of Maths. And no one has caught up to me yet by leejun
On Monday 21st 2018 all the other leaders from my school, Hokowhitu School went to National Young Leaders Day. We all got chosen to be with different parents. The parents took us to the arena where the special event was happening. When we got there the hole place was filled with people and all those people were leaders.
Once we got inside there were people walking in every direction, left, right, front, back. Everyone was talking. Once we got into the actual arena the seats were filled with people. I sat down with Aisha and Lee and then waited for all the other leaders from all the other schools to come in. While we were waiting music was playing from the loud speakers, they were playing some boss music. At the arena there were a lot of important people there, including Vince Harder and William Wairua. At the end of the show Will and Vince were singing some songs, including wowee, 24k magic (Chris Brown) and his new song Sugar Coated. Then after that the show was over and we were all walking out of the arena and everyone was pushing. I was walking beside Miss Bisset, my teacher. Once we all got out we went with our groups and walked to our car with our parents. The parents drove us back to Hokowhitu School. The end, by your leader Arapata.
Monday, 21 May 2018
It was a bright morning in hokowhitu school.
I was so excited for a well-known man who walked the length of New Zealand is coming to Hokowhitu School.
It is WILD BOY!! Everybody adored him. He was super fun and we learned about so many things.
I'm sure everyone liked him and now he is doing an expedition in Greenland.
He is just an awesome guy.
Lee Clark
It was a bright morning in hokowhitu school.
I was so excited for a well-known man who walked the length of New Zealand is coming to Hokowhitu School.
It is WILD BOY!! Everybody adored him. He was super fun and we learned about so many things.
I'm sure everyone liked him and now he is doing an expedition in Greenland.
He is just an awesome guy.
Lee Clark
Thursday, 17 May 2018
Every Thursday we get to have half an hour golden time😎🎉😂, (it used to be every Friday but it changed at the start of term 2)
If you did something wrong you would move down on the golden time thing to warning then 24 minutes, 18 minutes, 12 minutes, 6 minutes then 0 minutes😢😢😢.
You can earn more time by being good😄😄😄, or you could get house points😶.
There are heaps of fun activities you can do, but my favourite activities at golden time out of all the other activities are lego, movie, art, outside stuff, things I can't remember and a few more things.
If they ever got rid of ICT I would die💀💀👿👿😠😠!!!
The only things I have done for golden time other than ict is green screening but i would have done ict if it was an option.
My First Hockey Game

We got put into groups of 6 and rotated round 4 activities. My favourite one was when she told us how a rat trap works. In the afternoon we made our own tracking tunnels, my group got to set ours and we got a hedgehog. by Super Sila

We want you!
Wednesday, 16 May 2018
First Netball
It's 8.30am in the morning on Saturday.
'' Get ready''yells my mum it's netball today, 'Yay' I yell. I get ready even faster. When it is time to go, we hop in the car.
We are there ........exciting. We do some warm ups, star jumps, netball passes and catches.
Its time for the game. I am a sub to start with. ''GO HOKO STARS GO GO GO'' I yell. It's quarter time. I am an A to start the next quarter, which means "Attack".
The whistle goes to start the quarter, I yell ......''here Izzy here''. I get the ball and get a goal.''yay'' everyone yells .....WOOO GO SOPHIE. It's the second half of the game and I'm a D, which is "Defence". I am on the other side, I defend the other team from getting a goal, while doing this my glasses fall off , I fall over too. 'OW' but I still have the ball. Everyone was clapping and laughing. At the end of netball we announce the player of the day......It is Sophie,everyone claps. My mum and dad are proud of me, I smile.''Well done Sophie'' everyone says.
By Sophie
'' Get ready''yells my mum it's netball today, 'Yay' I yell. I get ready even faster. When it is time to go, we hop in the car.
We are there ........exciting. We do some warm ups, star jumps, netball passes and catches.
Its time for the game. I am a sub to start with. ''GO HOKO STARS GO GO GO'' I yell. It's quarter time. I am an A to start the next quarter, which means "Attack".
The whistle goes to start the quarter, I yell ......''here Izzy here''. I get the ball and get a goal.''yay'' everyone yells .....WOOO GO SOPHIE. It's the second half of the game and I'm a D, which is "Defence". I am on the other side, I defend the other team from getting a goal, while doing this my glasses fall off , I fall over too. 'OW' but I still have the ball. Everyone was clapping and laughing. At the end of netball we announce the player of the day......It is Sophie,everyone claps. My mum and dad are proud of me, I smile.''Well done Sophie'' everyone says.
By Sophie
Getting new buddies for buddy class
One sunny Friday, Paikea (Mr sloans class) were putting our books away because we just got back from the library. Mr Sloan said, “we are now going to get some buddies”. I was super excited! When we got there (TKP), they were singing. We sat down and waited and waited and waited, when finally they finished and came in and sat down. This is how I got my buddies. I was sitting down next to my friends Isabella, Ella and Ilienke and there was a few little kids sitting around and next to us. I had a girl called Brooke and another one called lily sitting next to me and when they called out Annabelle and Brooke and lily I was super happy. That is how I got my buddies,I hope my buddiess and I have a good year. Oh, and Isabella got a girl called Amelia, Ella got a girl called Kaitlin and Ilienke got a girl called Rosie.
by Annabelle
Tuesday, 15 May 2018
Camp waimaanaki in Riversdale
Last term we went to camp. It was in Riversdale, on the east coast of New Zealand. Even though it took ages to get there, We all enjoyed it a lot!!!!!! This is the story of my kayaking debut!!!!
Screech! That was the bus pulling up on the lime green grass. We filed out of the bus, lugging our bags along with us. We got a tour of our cabins that had on suite bathrooms. My team had Kayaking as our first activity. Since we were a little bit early, we collected things for the beachcombers ball the following night." Its time to hop into your kayaks," Mr sloan calls. We rush over to the kayaks and we put on lifejackets to be safe! Me and one of my best friends lillie, both chose purple kayaks. Izzy's mother gave us a push into the slimy green lake. Swish! Swish! We wade off into the lagoon. "Wheeeeeee!!" I say as I pose for a photo. Click! Goes the camera on Izzy's mothers phone. But unluckily, Hohepa kept getting in the way!!!!! It was time to have a nice snack!!!!!!!!😄😄😄😄😄😄🍎
That is the story of my kayaking debut!!!!!!!!!! By Emily
Screech! That was the bus pulling up on the lime green grass. We filed out of the bus, lugging our bags along with us. We got a tour of our cabins that had on suite bathrooms. My team had Kayaking as our first activity. Since we were a little bit early, we collected things for the beachcombers ball the following night." Its time to hop into your kayaks," Mr sloan calls. We rush over to the kayaks and we put on lifejackets to be safe! Me and one of my best friends lillie, both chose purple kayaks. Izzy's mother gave us a push into the slimy green lake. Swish! Swish! We wade off into the lagoon. "Wheeeeeee!!" I say as I pose for a photo. Click! Goes the camera on Izzy's mothers phone. But unluckily, Hohepa kept getting in the way!!!!! It was time to have a nice snack!!!!!!!!😄😄😄😄😄😄🍎
Monday, 14 May 2018
Golden time
Golden time is fun because you can do what ever you want. I like to do ICT because you can play any game you want. At golden time you can do: ICT, you can go to the playground, you can do art and many other things. I like golden time because it is very fun. At Golden time you can also listen to music at golden time. Golden time is the funnest thing in the world. By Ilienke.
Cross Country Training

Cross Country Training
"And GO"! said Mr Hawkins. I start of with a jog, my friends beside me at the head of a pack. I kept running. When I reached the white wall I felt great. I was running faster now, I kept that speed the whole way. At the end I sprinted hard out along the tree line and got 3 laps, then it was over and I was puffed. The end. By Oliver.
Sunday, 13 May 2018
worm wee for sale
Hi, Our names are Jack Daniel and Connor. Every Friday we volunteer to go around the school and get the compost buckets. We tip it into the worm farm and produce worm wee. We now have worm wee stocked up and are selling it for $5. All money goes towards the Enviro Team, so please help us out. We will sell it before and after school.
Thursday, 10 May 2018
Novel study
NOVEL STUDY In novel study we read a chapter of a novel each week. We get given a choice of a novel. e.g I need to read jungle book. We get given roles each week to do as well, such as Vlog, hot seat, fakebook, spotify, connector and word master. At the end of each week we have meetings to share what we've done and discuss the novel. This week I am Spotify. We have set out how many pages we need to read each week to be able to finish the book by the end of the term. By Ava.
Cross Country Training 2018
Cross Country Training 2018
We've been doing some suffocating training for an upcoming special (I think.) event! Which is:
Cross Country. ._.
To be honest, I'm more the 'Sit-Down-And-Eat-Chips-And-Play-PlayStation 2-All-Day' type. It may not sound very healthy, but it's not that bad.
I mean, yeah, I still exercise and eat healthy foods too, but I'm getting off track here.
For those who don't know what Cross Country is, it's basically like a Marathon, but instead of running around a whole Country, you run around the whole School,
Or an abnormally HUGE Field.
And we're doing training for that, and we're gonna keep doing it until the Event comes, or when or Legs are so tired that they turn into Ash.
I don't really know when it's coming up, but I think it will be in a few weeks.
Well, School, prepare yourself.
Prepare yourself GOOD. (Mentally.)
-An important message to my School from a little weird 10 Year Old (Aishah) if you didn't know that ._.
Golden Time
Golden Time
At golden time I mostly do ICT because it is fun and we can do anything we want on the computer. We can also do painting,ICT, play ground, movie, drawing and Lego. Sometimes we have craft, go noodle, reading, dodge ball, soccer, basketball and touch rugby.We have lots of things to do.It's fun!! By Sihui
The End
Kindy games
kindy games!
In term one TKT held a mini commonwealth games for Milverton kindy. We were in groups of four or five. I was in a group with Oscar N, Grace and Amanaki. Our group did a ball rolling game. The little kids were a bit afraid to do our game but we all encouraged them and showed AWHI. At the end Jonny was Prince Charles and Madeleine was the queen. They both handed out medals at the end.
In term one TKT held a mini commonwealth games for Milverton kindy. We were in groups of four or five. I was in a group with Oscar N, Grace and Amanaki. Our group did a ball rolling game. The little kids were a bit afraid to do our game but we all encouraged them and showed AWHI. At the end Jonny was Prince Charles and Madeleine was the queen. They both handed out medals at the end.
Kindy Games
Kindy Games
In term 1 TKT held a mini commonwealth games for Milverton Kindy. We where put into teams of 4. In my group there was Madeleine,Hamish and Ben. When we got to Milverton we had a mini commonwealth games ceremony. Madeleine was the queen and Jonny was Prince Charles. My group made a mini obstacle course.There where lots of different games. At the end the Kindy kids all got a medals. A little girl got my medal. I loved the Kindy games
By Aashna
By Aashna
Tuesday, 8 May 2018
Today I am talking about seaweed because it is my favourite
game .
game .
I like seaweed because I can out skill almost everyone and
I almost win every time .
I almost win every time .
To play there are 4 taggers . You have not let them tag you. If they tag you, you are seaweed or out . If you make it to the other end you win . If you are the last person you win.
By Abdel
War story
The reason I wrote this story was because of one of my relatives, My great-grandfather recently passed away and he fought in world war two
"Smash," The bomb shattered , Roaring and destroying everything in its path. I heard people screaming and babies crying. Glass shattered above me and I quickly followed my petrified parents into the underground shelter." In here,"My father said. His voice was husky and slurred with fright. My parents shoved me in with all the war supplies and then told me to wait .As they left, I took a deep breath and soon was enclosed in darkness. My surroundings grew more and more creepy as shadows danced across the walls ,dancing and playing. I waited and waited but they never came back.
Years later
Years later I climbed out of the wide cellar to find the wrecked remains of the town. The walls were in pieces, The windows were broken, Everything that I'd loved was in the cracked floorboards. I quickly darted out the door-frame. Nothing was safe from war. With my ears still ringing from the bombs and my stomach hungry from the scarce crumbs of the salvaged scraps of the food I'd survived on,I realised that I was the only survivor.
By Madeleine Cook
Board games
In Term 1 all of TKT got into groups of 3-4 to create a board game. Each group got given 1 box either a Milk or Laptop Box which would be the main part of our board games, we were also allow paint, cardboard, paper, and other things. When we had finally finished, it was such a relief not having to worry about it. All that hard work was worth it. In term 2 we got to take the board games home, but nobody in my group wanted ours so we let somebody else take it.
Music with Mrs Malinger
This term instead of science with Mrs Malinger we are doing MUSIC!! with Mrs Malinger it is so much fun playing all of those cool interments. We also learnt this cool hand beat /clap:
We are also learning how to play the Ukulele, it is awesome. We even got to try and learn this cool song that you can play on a Ukulele! We also learnt how to play this yellow thing. We were first all put into groups of 8, this was my group, Annabelle, Sophie, Silas, Jonny, and me. Then we went to learn to play the yellow thing it kept making tinging noises, it was fun. I hope we get to do music again some time! By Ella-Maree
Monday, 7 May 2018
Our First Netball game
On Saturday the Hokowhitu Swifts Vs Turitea. Hokowhitu were very good. CharlotteW scored one good goal. Next we versed Winchester and it was so hard, a little stepping. It was OK and Kaitlin scored goal. Both games were so amazing.
By Kaitlin
Getting new buddy for buddy class
One sunny Friday Paikea (Mr Sloan's class) walked over to TKP
to meet our new Buddies . This year I really hope I get a girl and
I did she was called Kaitlin. She is so cute, also a little crazy but
really nice. Izzy had Amelia, Ilienke had Rosey and Annabelle had Brooke and Lilly. I like my buddy and I`m so excited with her. I`m so excited to spend time with her all year. By Ella
Thursday, 3 May 2018
Camp Waimanaaki

We had fun on the tramp before going off to do fun activities such as biking, fishing paint balling and kayaking!
The food was really good, like delicious steak and potatoes.
We had bunk beds in the dorms as well so the beds were really comfortable! Awesome camp.
Kindy Games
Last term we organised kindy games for our local Kindy. We had to do lots of different types of games for the kindy kids. We had an opening ceremony. Jonny was dressed up as Prince Charles and Madeleine was dressed up as the queen.
The kindy kids struggle on our games, but we showed lots of Awhi to help the kids. By Jordan.
The kindy kids struggle on our games, but we showed lots of Awhi to help the kids. By Jordan.
Inter school swimming
Inter school swimming{backstroke}
Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud! My heart was racing like never before. Suddenly I heard the loudspeaker go on "year five girls backstroke please go to the end of the pool." I was terrified, like a mouse being chased by a cat. I knew there was no way out so I stood up and started making my way towards the end of the pool where there was a lady standing. . She made sure we knew that we had to touch the end of the pool with our hands other wise the person timing us wouldn't stop the timer. The horn blew for us to get in the pool and get ready, I accidentally did a belly flop which Mrs Bisset found pretty funny. I looked at the other girls racing me but suddenly HHHOOONNNKKK!!! The horn blew and suddenly it went from being not too loud to extremely loud. I could hear the other inter school swimmers cheering for us. I could definitely hear Hokowhitu. They where nearly the loudest, even though we had the least people. Then finally I felt the end of the pool and stood up. I thought I came last, but it turns out I actually came third. I was pretty happy that I came third because I had never ever done swimming lessons in my whole entire life. So thats my story of inter school swimming sports!
By Grace
By Grace
Game Day
Game day
end of term one
At the end of term one we had house games. Kowhai house was split into two team, Australia and Jamaica. I was happy that Edmund and I were in the same team, "yay''. We did not know if we were in Australia or Jamaica. We in end up in Australia "yay" we were together in Australia. Our first game was flags we won. We had fast people at the back and I was a runner. I got the ball over the line for us to win. By Alex
end of term one
At the end of term one we had house games. Kowhai house was split into two team, Australia and Jamaica. I was happy that Edmund and I were in the same team, "yay''. We did not know if we were in Australia or Jamaica. We in end up in Australia "yay" we were together in Australia. Our first game was flags we won. We had fast people at the back and I was a runner. I got the ball over the line for us to win. By Alex
Wednesday, 2 May 2018
On Monday 19th Feb 2017 we went to camp Waimanaaki. It was an 1 hour and 30 min drive. when we arrived we got all our stuff out and had lunch. One of the activities we did on camp was paint ball. I shot all of the targets. We stayed two nights and 1 day. Cabin 5, my cabin kept Mr Hawkins awake. Camp was a great experience.
Wild Boy
Wild boy
One day, Wild Boy aka Brando Yelavich came to our school to talk to the year 5's and 6's about his adventures, including walking the coast of New Zealand.
He told us to start on small goals and to always be resilient and never give up. He said, that his trip around New Zealand was tough and he was sometimes really hungry. Luckily some kind people let him in their houses and fed him. Without the help and support from his dad he wouldn't have made it. ByJeremy.

Hoko games
Hoko games
yeeeeeeeeesssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!😱😱 First thing when I woke up I was full of excitement. I just had to let it out because it was the hoko games.👍 So I got ready really fast😬 so I could get to school quicker.😜When I got to school I waited on the seat until the bell rang. When the bell rang😛 I was so exited and I new there was only one bell to go.😮 When that second bell rang😝 I was so exited. I rushed back to class to get ready😀quickly. When we were going out to the hoko games😇 I was way to exited.Tuesday, 1 May 2018
By Connor
By Connor
At Golden time you can do anything you like (what the teachers say you can do). Sports, ICT, games or listen to music. My favourite thing is sports. My favourite game is seaweed. It is fun because you get to run around on the field. Golden time is on Fridays or Thursdays.
By Kotare
By Kotare
In science we do lots of different activitys almost every Thursday. My favourite activity in year 4 and 5 was making honey comb. Saddly science has come to an end, now we are doing music. Some of the activity's we have been doing throughout the year have been...
Bug hunting
Taste testing
Making food
Marble races
I really enjoy science and can't wait to do it again in term 4!]
By Steph
In science we do lots of different activitys almost every Thursday. My favourite activity in year 4 and 5 was making honey comb. Saddly science has come to an end, now we are doing music. Some of the activity's we have been doing throughout the year have been...
Bug hunting
Taste testing
Making food
Marble races
I really enjoy science and can't wait to do it again in term 4!]
By Steph
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Well done, to everyone who showed their parents around Te Kete Tangaroa over the last couple of nights. You did an awesome job at sharing yo...
Wild boy One day, Wild Boy aka Brando Yelavich came to our school to talk to the year 5's and 6's ...